Members of VFW Post 3480 in East St. Louis, Illinois, donated dozens of personal hygiene products to local unhoused veterans staying in The Eagle’s Nest of St. Clair County at The St. Joseph Center on Oct. 20.
The donation is the latest in an ongoing collaboration between Post 3480 and the St. Joseph Center, which provides a range of social services and support programs, as well as transitional housing for homeless male veterans through their Eagle’s Nest initiative.
Members of VFW Post 3480 donate personal hygiene products to local unhoused veterans staying in The Eagle’s Nest of St. Clair County at The St. Joseph Center in East St. Louis, Ill., on October 20. Photo courtesy of Valerie Young.“Post 3480 has a long-standing history with St. Joseph Center,” said Post 3480 Commander Valerie Young. “From donating food to VFW’s Veteran Day of Service projects and our most recent donation of personal hygiene items, our collaboration with the Eagles Nest is more crucial than important due to our duty and purpose to serve.”
Since opening in 2009, the 26-bed, secure transitional housing facility in East St. Louis has strived to provide transitioning veterans with the resources to achieve their highest level of self-sufficiency and economic independence.
Young also believes VFW’s reach into the homeless veterans population through The Eagle’s Nest is important, as the organization provides programs and assistance to veterans needing resources and helps file claims through the VA.
“I think most of us veterans can identify with their mission,” Young said. “We could all use an olive branch or assistance of some sort. I love how The Eagle’s Nest holds each participant accountable. Their goal is to help transition, not to enable.”
This article is featured in the 2024 December issue of Checkpoint. If you're a VFW member and don't currently receive the VFW Checkpoint, please contact VFW magazine at