Being the largest Navy base in the world, Naval Station Norfolk in Virginia is home to a vast number of sailors and Marines, and VFW’s Benefits Delivery at Discharge (BDD) site on the base provides an essential service to those military members. VFW National Pre-Discharge Claims Representative Abigail Heffernan said that a common concern among troops is how “daunting” the VA claims process is. “Having BDD representatives on military bases can alleviate the stressor of ge...
WASHINGTON – For the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) and for our nation, National Vietnam War Veterans Day is an important one. Made official through the Vietnam War Veterans Recognition Act of 2017, on March 29 we pay tribute to our Vietnam War veterans’ unwavering courage, dedication and the countless sacrifices made by them and their families during one of the most challenging conflicts in our nation’s history. We must not only remain dedicated to honoring and recogniz...
From honoring the legacy of its namesake, Robert Jack, to starting modern initiatives such as a monthly hiking program, a 100-year-old VFW Post in Arkansas continues to carry on Post traditions of community service and fellowship. Founded on Feb. 13, 1925, VFW Post 1322 in Van Buren, Arkansas, is the oldest VFW Post in the state and in recent years has flourished into a hub for veterans and their families. Van Buren, a suburb of Fort Smith, is in western Arkansas near th...
Statement of Nancy Springer, Associate Director National Legislative Service Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States For the Record United States House of Representatives Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Subcommittee on Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs With Respect To Pending Legislation Washington, D.C. Chairman Luttrell, Ranking Member McGarvey, and members of the subcommittee, on behalf of the men and women of the Veterans of Foreign Wars...
When members of VFW Post 1828 and their families gathered at the Veterans Memorial in West Plains, Missouri, to commemorate the 33rd anniversary of the end of Operation Desert Storm last year, it marked an historic first for the “Show-Me State” Post. Led by Gulf War veteran and Post 1828 Junior Vice Commander David Scott Buennemeyer, the ceremony on Feb. 28, 2024, honored the poignant stories of two pilots from his unit who were killed in action. It also included the rec...
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