A Message from VFW Adjutant General Dan West

The next 125 years – the VFW’s legacy is ours to protect

The VFW has a legacy of helping veterans that goes back to 1899, right after the Spanish-American War. For nearly 125 years, our organization has been standing solidly with veterans upon their return from harm’s way. Helping them tend to their injuries – the ones visible to the eye and the ones suffering quietly you cannot see from the outside.

Reflecting upon the founding of the VFW forces us to consider our own legacies. How will we be remembered? How will we make certain that the VFW is here for future generations of veterans who need this support?

For me, that answer was including the VFW in my will to ensure our heritage of service continues. And I encourage you to join me.

As a frontline combat Marine who engaged the enemy with multiple deployments in harm’s way, returning to civilian life wasn’t that easy for me. To put it bluntly, the VFW kept me out of prison - kept me out of the cemetery. I don’t know how else to describe it.

I am indebted to the men and women of the VFW who helped me get back on track. I’m living proof of the impact this organization has on veterans returning from war who need the support of their brothers and sisters in arms.

And I believe in putting my money where my mouth is.

There’s more than one way to include the VFW in your estate plans. And your financial advisor can help you find a planned giving solution that benefits you and your loved ones. The VFW also can help provide you with resources.

We are the ones who will shape the VFW’s legacy for the next 125 years. Let’s do everything we can to ensure that our legacy remains one of continued service, camaraderie and excellence.

To learn more about including the VFW in your estate plans, call 816.968.1119 or visit vfw.planmylegacy.org.